Download: Bachelorarbeit IT-Sicherheit für Avionik

Wir freuen uns, interessierten Lesern die Bachelorarbeit von Kevin Klaus Gomez Buquerin mit dem Titel „Security Evaluation for the Real-time Operating System VxWorks 7 for Avionic Systems“ zum Download zur Verfügung stellen zu dürfen: Link. Die Arbeit ist ein Ergebnis der Zusammenarbeit der  Airbus Defence and Space und der INSicherheit – Ingolstädter Forschungsgruppe Angewandte IT-Sicherheit an der Technischen Hochschule Ingolstadt. Die Arbeit untersucht die IT-Sicherheit des in Avionik-Systemen eingesetzten Echtzeitbetriebssystems VxWorks 7 und liefert wertvolle Hinweise für die Erstellung sicherer Software für dieses Betriebssystem.

Liste der abgeschlossenen Abschlussarbeiten in der INSicherheit – Ingolstädter Forschungsgruppe Angewandte IT-Sicherheit: Link

Kurzfassung der Arbeit:

„In previous years, the threat landscape for avionic systems, especially with a military background, became more dangerous. Additional, the complexity for aircraft systems is increasing as well as the number of threats, attacks, and vulnerabilities against computer systems. From this it follows, core units such as real-time operating systems need to be secure to provide shelter against possible cyber security threats.
This thesis discusses and tests avionic relevant categories separated into common threats, attacks, and vulnerabilities for the real-time operating system VxWorks 7. The security of the RTOS is evaluated on a simulated target using varying security configurations of the real-time operating sys- tem. Possible security technologies and mechanisms provided by VxWorks are viewed and evaluated, regarding their reaction against threats, attacks, and vulnerabilities.
Issues appeared with basic attacks and vulnerabilities such as buffer overflows or string vulnerabilities, where negative impact on the system is noticeable. Good security practices are observed in security areas such as cryptography and privilege management.
The study reveals security issues as well as good protective technologies and mechanisms for the real-time operating system VxWorks 7 in the area of avionic systems.
Furthermore, additional security technologies and mechanism, which can provide further protection against common attacks, threats, and vulnerabilities, are introduced.“

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